Saturday, July 17, 2010

Glitter Bag.

I found a little baggie stuffed with glitter and a photograph of a man on the subway yesterday. Of course, I took it. Turns out it was part of a street art series from See Me Tell Me. There are 100 little glitter bags floating around, each one representing a different breed of New Yorker, so keep your eyes open for the sparkles.

I took home Mr. Overconfident, number 43/100.

Friday, July 9, 2010

This internship could save your life.

My West Coast colleagues and I have devised the most amazing intern program you could ever imagine —The Cage.

Our comprehensive internship program will provide all qualified candidates with adequate in-office housing, three square meals a day and 24-hour access to all corners of our agency.

To be selected for The Cage, you must be:
1. Unwanted/at risk of being euthanized
2. A cat

Here's how it works:

We adopt cats that are about to be offed from shelters or streets and let them live in our office while we use our super sweet skills to get them adopted. We also go to fancy parties and talk about how our interns scratch and/or poop on the floor.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Maine has the best signs.

I went to Maine and discovered some sweet tiny town writers. This water pitcher reads, "Do not drink this water. For messy ice cream faces."

The duck food/gumball machine is a pretty big deal in Camden, Maine. Read the sign posted above it:

"Corn and gumballs only.
Do not jiggle the knobs or you will be banished from the footbridge forever. Jiggling the knobs breaks the mechanism, and the ducks don't eat.
Camera surveillance by the North Cameden Bridge Police Lt. Randy.
Throw corn in shallow water or on shore. It doesn't float."

I wish everything was like this.