One day you wake up and realize that others have branded you as that girl. What exactly that is, varies from person to person. For me, that girl = cat girl. It starts with one simple pet that inspired multiple cat gifts- everything from kitten-laden bags to cat coffee cups. One gift spawns another.
I attribute my implied affection for cats on multiple factors
1. I am an only child but only had cats, mom didn’t like dogs or other children.
2. I’m not athletically gifted therefore I could never be a “sports” star.
3. My love of used books; used books store owners always have cats.
4. My need to use all gifts I receive. People spot me using the cat paraphernalia and naturally assume I love cats. This fuels the cat gifting cycle.
NOTE: I do actually like cats. I just find it amusing how everyone thinks I’m obsessed with them so much so that I’ve destined myself to become the crazy cat lady in my later years.
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