Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Peach Custard Pie

As usual, my dessert didn't turn out as beautiful as the peach custard pie pictured in the recipe.  But thankfully, it still tasted delicious. I did have to cook the pie much longer than the recipe said but I think my oven cooks funny.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Paelo Lemon Bars

I tested out this recipe for paleo-friendly lemon bars. The recipe calls for nine total eggs. NINE! Needless to say with that many eggs on the line, I was bound to get a little shell in mix. Mmm crunchy. Minus the egg shell, these bars were tasty and surprisingly filling.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jane’s Carousel

Looking for something to do on a sunny afternoon? Take stroll over to Jane’s Carousel at Brooklyn Bridge Park. It’s only $2 per person to ride the nostalgic carousel and totally worth it.  Tip: The ponies on the outside of the carousel don’t move up and down, choose an inside horse for the optimum ride.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Smorgasburg is bringing all it’s yummy eats to Brooklyn Bridge Park for the summer. Catch it Sundays 11 am – 6pm until November 24. You can eat anything you ever wanted! My favorites are Dough (the best donuts ever) and Bombay Sandwich Company (Vegetarian Indian street food).

Monday, August 5, 2013

Women Who Brunch

Monica Lo and I had the pleasure of helping @WomenWhoBrunch get kicked off. The group meets once a month and aims to help connect and inspire women over mimosa brunches.

While chatting about future technologies with the ladies, I learned about an amazing BBC show, Black Mirror. Since brunch I’ve been bingeing on this show, which focuses on the dark side of future technologies. The future is scary guys.

See a brunch recap here.