Humans love new things. New = Exciting. Therefore everyone loves baby animals. This is a harsh lesson the stars of live puppy feed must realize as they find themselves on live dog feed and their daily hits decline.
Yesterday I spent far too much time watching YouTube videos of baby mammals but have realized that not all baby animals belong on YouTube. There are some animals that are meant for far greater stardom.
Note the power of a fictitious hybrid, such as the panda dog. I suggest we make baby lion zebras, but what will they eat?
I think that the closest thing is a maltipoo: http://www.armespuppyyard.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/white_maltipoo_pup.jpg.w300h299.jpg
That thing looks fake and adorable.
Our friend Hideshi Hamaguchi, whom we had the honor of speaking at CyborgCamp this Saturday, also uses diagrams like yours to organize ideation and find patterns on various problems.
He clearly forgot the live puppy cam, however.
This explains his celebrity. I'm still wondering what stroke of genius led you to search "panda dog"
ohh, the sad, ignored dog tagging along behind panda puppy and its shepherd.
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